5 tips to help you find your first job

After finishing college, you probably don’t know how or where to start looking for a job, the following tips can help you to direct your job search to the sector or industry you are interested in working for.

1. Use social networks to your advantage

For example, you can search on LinkedIn for people in the sector or industry in which you would like to work and then establish a connection with them.

2. Search for projects

While working by single projects might not seem a sound option if you are aiming at getting a formal job, it is a good way to start and will help you build a solid CV.

3. Invest in specialization

Complement your university education with courses, workshops and degrees in your professional area of interest: this will compensate your lack of experience.

4. Learn how to work in a team

Showing that you can get along fine with the different types of people and personalities that conform a working team will add value to your profile.

5. Learn from criticism

If an application you submitted for a job you were interested in is rejected, you can always ask for feedback: this will help you to have a better understanding of the skills or particular aspects you need to improve for your next application.

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